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The changes in HongKongers' sexual openness: By analyzing their consumption in sex shops

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Research Proposal

       The purpose of this study is to explore the sexual openness of Hongkongers, through analyzing sexual consumption in Hong Kong. This study mainly observed a case, Sally’s Toy.

       By deep interviews and spatial observation, this thesis is supposed to answer the following question: How the sexual openness of Hongkongers has changed in past decade. And what are the causes of it? This study would involve two interviews: staff of a well-known sex shop, and customers of this sex shop. Observation by which both physical and online space subjects used is of extreme importance in this study. As popular social media and online communication platforms, Facebook and YouTube channel would be observed, while comments from netizens would be taken into account as well.

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Research Question

      Sex is one of the most important, or indeed indispensable, part of our daily lives, however, in Hong Kong, people always refuse to talk about sex. In fact, sex seldom exists in the public domain and open discussion. It is interesting to note that the sexual openness of HongKongers seems to be ambiguous. Some claimed that there are still conservative thoughts toward sex in Hong Kong because of its Chineseness and condemned sex education system, while HongKongers are in fact progressive and open-minded. Therefore, in this research project, it is hoped to find out changes in their sexual openness by analyzing their consumption in sex shops, and examine if this embarrassment is led by the panopticon-like society.

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Interview went on Sally's Toy with Miki So

As our team wants to understand the current situation of sexual openness of Hongkongers, we invite the shopkeeper of Sally’s toy and one of the core member of sticky rice love, Miki, to do an interview with us.

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